It is of the utmost importance to all FVA staff that our students feel connected to our school. School connectedness is the belief held by students that adults and peers in the school care about their learning, as well as about them as individuals.
At FVA we believe that communication is key in the classroom. Students must practice and be given multiple opportunities to listen, speak, read, and write with both adults and their peers. These are important life skills which transcend the classroom and impact student success.
FVA strives to build a strong sense of community not only within our classrooms, but with the adults in the home who are supporting our students. FVA students believe that their class is like a family, that they are help one another learn, and that FVA staff is approachable and ready to help them when asked. Supportive relationships are the heart of FVA and we want our families to take active roles in our students’ education.
Leonard Rodriguez
Senior Director, Student Services
Raquel Calderon
Secretary lll – Bilingual
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